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RLS Graduate School

Researching for the Energy System Transition

RLS Graduate School

The RLS graduate school was established in January 2020. Its interdisciplinary team conducts research in individual PhD projects on issues related to the energy system transition. The graduate school is located at the Reiner Lemoine Institute in Berlin-Adlershof. In our practical and applied research work, we are supported by a network of mentors.

The goal of the graduate school is to better understand systemic obstacles to the energy transition and to develop targeted solutions that will create the necessary conditions for an energy system with 100 % renewable energies. The PhD students therefore focus in particular on questions of flexibility, decentralisation, sector coupling and the social aspects of an energy system transition.


Head of
graduate school


Reiner Lemoine Kolleg (RLK)
c/o Reiner Lemoine Institut
Rudower Chaussee 12, 12489 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 1208 434 90

PhD Group Lead: Philipp Blechinger
Acting phD Group Lead: Martha M. Hoffmann



Reiner Lemoine Kolleg

Mentorship programm

The students of the PhD group are supported by a number of mentors. These are experts who deal with the theoretical and practical facets of the energy system transition in the context of their respective work.

The PhD students are in dialogue with these actors, with the aim of contributing to applied research and solution-oriented energy policies.


Mentors of the PhD Students

  • Andrea Herbst, Fraunhofer ISI
  • Carolin Dähling, Green Planet Energy (GPE)
  • Caroline Gebauer, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND)
  • Georg Kobiela, Bellona Deutschland gGmbH
  • Susanne Schmelcher, Deutsche Energie-Agentur
  • Julia Metz, Agora Industrie
  • Matthias Kalkuhl, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)
  • Christian von Hirschhausen, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Alexander Steinke
  • Pao-Yu Oei, Fachgebiet Energie- und Umweltmanagement an der Europa Universität Flensburg (EUF)
  • Christian Breyer, Professor for Solar Economy, LUT University, School of Energy Systems
  • Frank Hellmann, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
  • Sabine Klapp, Technische Universität Berlin
  • Juliane Arriens, Mobilität mit Erneuerbaren Energien
  • Pierre-Francois Duc, Off-grid Systems
  • Upeksha Caldera, Helen
  • Frauke Wiese, Europa-Universität Flensburg
  • Ricardo Reibsch, Berliner Stadtwerke GmbH
  • Anya Heider, 50 Hertz
  • Anja Lemoine
  • Anne Jatzkewitz
  • Busso von Bismarck
  • Paul Grunow
  • Clemens Triebel
  • Fabian Zuber

Researching the Energy System Transition -
Apply now for new scholarships!

The RLS Graduate Program is set to expand with three additional scholarship recipients starting in 2026. Interested applicants can apply for a scholarship until August 17, 2025. The planned start of funding is early 2026.

Further information about the application process and required documents can be found here. In particular, the following questionnaire must be completed. The application deadline is August 17, 2025, and selection interviews are expected to take place on September 10.

Interested candidates should contact for more details and to schedule a recommended consultation (available from late April).