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Philipp Diesing

"For me, the energy system transition stands for the consistent implementation of sustainability goals to achieve a fully renewable energy system."


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Philipp Diesing

Philipp's PhD thesis deals with the defossilisation of the German manufacturing sector, specifically by examining the so-called Middle German Chemical Triangle in Saxony-Anhalt. The aim is to create future scenarios for this industrial region, taking into account social structures and technical and economic conditions, and to derive recommendations for action.

The work is supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian Breyer of the Solar Economy Team at LUT University in Finland.

During his Master's degree in Sustainable Energy Systems at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Philipp studied components of renewable energy systems, with a focus on electrochemical energy conversion and storage. While on his year abroad in Lappeenranta, southern Finland, Philipp worked extensively on the cross-sectoral modelling of energy systems based on 100% renewable energies using different modelling tools.

  • Diesing, P; Lopez, G.; Blechinger, P.; Breyer, C (2025)

    From knowledge gaps to technological maturity: A comparative review of pathways to deep emission reduction for energy-intensive industries

    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 208 (115023)

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  • Diesing, P.; Bogdanov, D.; Keiner, D.; Satymov, R.; Toke, D.; Breyer, C. (2024)

    Exploring the demand for inter-annual storage for balancing wind energy variability in 100% renewable energy systems

    Energy 312 (133572)

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  • Diesing, P.; Bogdanov, D.; Satymov, R.; Child, M.; Hauer, I., Breyer, C. (2023)

    Offshore versus onshore: The underestimated impact of onshore wind and solar photovoltaics for the energy transition of the British Isles

    IET Renewable Power Generation 17(13): 3240-3266

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  • Linke, A.; Wasike-Schalling, A.; Diesing, P.; Murjahn, M. (2023)

    Ein nachhaltiger Weg zu einem erneuerbaren Energiesystem: Einsatz von grünem Wasserstoff und flexibler Elektrolyse

    A report for Green Planet Energy eG

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  • Diesing, P.; Bogdanov, D.; Satymov, R.; Child, M.; Breyer, C. (2022)

    100% Renewable Energy for the United Kingdom

    A report for 100% Renewable UK Ltd

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  • Diesing, P., Blechinger, P.; Breyer, C. (2023)

    Direct Process Electrification versus Green Electricity-based Hydrogen Technologies for the Defossilisation of Energy-intensive Industries: A systemic pathway comparison

    Vortrag bei der 18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Kroatien

  • Jan Henrik Scholz (2024)

    Deep defossilisation of process heat in the glass and cement industry – technology assessment from an industry expert-perspective

  • Diesing, P.; Breyer, C. (2024)

    Ausblick in die energieintensive Industrie von Übermorgen

    Energiezukunft - Gastbeitrag

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  • Diesing, P.; Reibsch, R. (2023)

    Gebremstes Potenzial: Wie aktuelle Vorschriften den Ausbau von Photovoltaik-Balkonanlagen einschränken – ein Erfahrungsbericht

    PV-Magazin - Meinungsbeitrag

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  • Diesing, P. (2022)

    Wege zur resilienten und klimaneutralen Industrie

    Energiezukunft - Beitrag

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