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Marlin Arnz

"For me, the energy system transition stands for Working on all sites at once."


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Marlin Arnz

What is the quickest way of decarbonising passenger transport? That is the question Marlin Arnz is investigating in long-term scenarios, using transport and energy modelling. He focuses on measures of avoiding unnecessary traffic and shifting traffic to more energy-efficient modes – strategies that are deemed crucial but have not been sufficiently investigated to date.

He is supervised by Prof. C. von Hirschhausen at the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy at TU Berlin.

While studying for his degree in Industrial Engineering and Management, Marlin Arnz looked at the energy system transition from a modelling point of view as well as working in data analysis as a student assistant. He completed his Master's thesis on an innovative high-speed rail freight transport concept at the German Aerospace Centre.

  • Arnz, M. (2024)

    Die Mobilitätswende. Über das ungenutzte Potenzial der Verkehrs-verlagerung und -vermeidung.
    Reiner Lemoine Stiftung. Berlin.

  • J., Reul, J., Arnz, M., Wiese, F. (in press)

    Drivers of Car Driving: Lessons from a Survey on Car Ownership and Usage in Germany.
    European Transport Research Review.

  • Arnz, M., Göke, L., Thema, J., Wiese, F., Wulff, N., Kendziorski, M., Von Hirschhausen, C. (2024)

    Avoid, Shift or Improve passenger transport? Impacts on the energy system.
    Energy Strategy Reviews, 52, 101302. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2024.101302

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  • Arnz, M., & Krumm, A. (2023)

    Sufficiency in passenger transport and its potential for lowering energy demand.
    Environmental Research Letters, 18(9), 094008. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/acea98

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  • Arnz, M., 2022

    Wer Straßen säht, wird Verkehr ernten – Politische Tricksereien im Bundesverkehrswegeplan.
    Erneuerbare Energien 01-2022, in press.

  • Arnz, M., 2020

    Opening up Macroscopic Transport Modelling: An open Source Model for Germany.
    European Transport Conference 2020.

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  • Böhm, M., Arnz, M., Winter, J., 2021

    The potential of high-speed rail freight in Europe: How is a modal shift from road to rail possible for low-density high value cargo?
    European Transport Research Review 13, 4.

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  • Arnz, M., Böhm, M., Weibezahn, J., 2019

    Mit Hochgeschwindigkeit auf der Seidenstraße - Ergebnisse einer Potenzialanalyse des Transportkorridors Shanghai – Duisburg.
    Internationales Verkehrswesen 71, 38-41.