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Tabea Katerbau

"The Energy System Transition means to me taking responsibility and actively shaping the future of the energy system."


Tabea Katerbau

Tabea Katerbau works on the contribution of energy communities to the energy system transition. The research focuses on the potential of energy communities to relieve the distribution grid, their economic efficiency and a socially just design. Her work includes extending an existing energy cell model and performing load flow simulations.

Tabea holds a Master's degree in Renewable Energy Systems from TU Berlin. As part of her master thesis, she modeled various operating and positioning strategies of battery storage systems in low-voltage grids as a guest researcher at the Graduate School of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation. During her studies, Tabea held various positions as a student assistant. Among others she worked at the Hermann Rietschel Institute at TU Berlin and the German Energy Agency on energy supply of buildings and neighbourhoods. Since 2022, Tabea has been a researcher at the Reiner Lemoine Institute in the research unit Mobility with Renewable Energy. There she works on the grid integration of e-mobility, decentralized electricity markets and energy system modeling.

  • R. Seiler, T. Katerbau, J. Wegner (2023)

    Einfluss lokaler Laseinfrastruktur auf den Hochlauf von Elektrofahrzeugen unter Berücksichtigung der Siedlungs- und Raumstruktur in Berlin

    in: 30. Energie-Symposium Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik, HOST - Hochschule Stralsund, 2023, pp. 92– 99.

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  • T. Katerbau, R. Reibsch, J. Kowal (2022)

    Analysis of operating and positioning strategies of home and community storage systems in low voltage grids in a sector-coupled and renewable energy system

    in: Proceedings of the International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2022), Atlantis Press, 2023, pp. 215–234. doi:10.2991/978-94-6463-156-2_16.

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  • W. Labudde, J. Gemassmer, T. Katerbau (2022)

    Open-Source-Tool zu Ladestrategien für E-Fahrzeuge

    in: 29. Energie-Symposium Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik, HOST - Hochschule Stralsund, 2022, pp. 125– 131.

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  • T. Katerbau (2021)

    Abschlussbericht, Klimaneutrale Quartiere und Areale

    Deutsche Energie-Agentur (Hrsg.) (dena, 2021)