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Reiner Lemoine

Persistently implement visions

Reiner Lemoine

Reiner Lemoine is one of the pioneers in the field of renewable energies. He built numerous innovative companies with friends and business partners.

As a visionary, Reiner Lemoine has worked with perseverance and exceptional risk-taking to establish renewable energy in our society. And he managed to guide them from the "alternative" scene to recognized industry as a solution for the long-term survival of the rapidly expanding worldwide human population.

For the engineer Reiner Lemoine, his involvement in the field of renewable energies always had a social and political aspect: renewable energies strengthen the independence of nations, they serve peace, secure the livelihood of millions of people and protect the environment.

The work of Reiner Lemoine was deeply ethical. This was also reflected in the company culture he cultivated. For example, Wuseltronik GbR was a "collective" with equal salary for all employees and joint decision-making without hierarchic structures. Also, in the later companies the team spirit was important for him.

1978: Foundation of the collective Wuseltronik 1978: Foundation of the collective Wuseltronik
1979: Diploma in Space Technology, TU Berlin 1979: Diploma in Space Technology, TU Berlin
1996: Founding<br />Solon AG 1996: Founding
Solon AG
1999: Founding<br />Q-Cells AG 1999: Founding
Q-Cells AG

Foundation Boards



Advisory Board

Investment Committee

The shareholders and members of management are companions, like-minded people and members of Reiner Lemoine's family. They feel closely connected to his legacy and his approach to life and are committed to his visions. They are consulted by an advisory board and an investment committee.


Head of
graduate school

Since the RLS was established, the foundation has supported doctoral students researching energy transition topics. In 2020, the scholarship program was transformed into a PhD program.

The interdisciplinary team of the RLS PhD Group conducts research in individual doctoral projects on issues relating to the energy system transition.

The program's aim is to better understand systemic obstacles to the energy transition and to develop targeted solutions in order to make an energy system with 100% renewable energy possible.

Reiner Lemoine Institute

Reiner Lemoine Institut

The Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI) is an independent, non-profit research institute that has been committed to a future with 100% renewable energy since it was founded by the RLS in 2010.

The RLI team conducts application-oriented research in the areas of energy system transformation, mobility with renewable energies and off-grid systems with the aim of providing scientific support for the long-term conversion of the energy supply to renewable energies.



The people behind the Reiner Lemoine Foundation and the Reiner Lemoine Institute are all committed to the transformation of the energy system in their respective fields.

In the tradition of the foundation's namesake, they are persistently committed to the vision of a renewable energy world. The approximately 100 former and current scholarship holders and over 100 former and current employees at the RLI make up Wuselwerk's current network.

Milestones of the RLS

Reiner Lemoine in the context of the founding of RLS in 2006
Restructuring and founding of RLS gGmbH in 2024

2006: The Reiner Lemoine Foundation was established before the death of Reiner Lemoine - in particular to promote science and research in the field of energy and with the aim of achieving 100% renewable energy.

2007: The RLS PhD Program was launched parallel to the foundation. The first eleven scholarship holders received funding for their doctorates in 2007.

2010: The founding of the Reiner Lemoine Institute created an independent research institution. Today, the RLI is known and recognized beyond professional boundaries through its extensive activities in research and consulting on energy and transport issues.

2018: In the tradition of its founder and namesake, the RLS also sees entrepreneurial innovation as an important contribution to the energy transition. The RLS is happy to announce that Localiser is the first energy transition company to emerge from RLI projects.

2020: The scholarship program will be continued in the form of a PhD program on the energy system transition.

2024: The RLS is transformed from a trust foundation into a gGmbH and continues its projects in a new structure in order to further promote an energy supply with 100% renewable energies.

Purpose of the Foundation

Purpose of the Foundation

The purpose of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation is to promote environmental protection, including climate protection, science and research, education and training as well as development aid, primarily in the field of renewable energies. The company exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes within the meaning of the "Tax-privileged purposes" section of the German Tax Code.