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Scholarship holders of the RLS

Scholarship holders of the RLS

The scholarship program forms the backbone of RLS activities. Since 2007, almost 100 doctoral candidates have received scholarships from the foundation or are currently receiving funding. The scholarship holders have in common that they all work or have worked on topics in the field of renewable energy. Since 2020, the program will be continued in the form of an RLS graduate school.

1978: Foundation of the collective Wuseltronik 1978: Foundation of the collective Wuseltronik
1979: Diploma in Space Technology, TU Berlin 1979: Diploma in Space Technology, TU Berlin
1996: Founding<br />Solon AG 1996: Founding
Solon AG
1999: Founding<br />Q-Cells AG 1999: Founding
Q-Cells AG

Foundation Boards of the RLS

Board of Directors

Board of Trustees

The board members of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation work on an honorary basis. The board of directors acts as a decision-making body and the board of trustees as a consultative body.

The members of the board of directors and of the board of trustees are companions and family members of Reiner Lemoine. They feel closely connected with his achievements and his attitude towards life and they are committed to his visions. They are largely self-employed as innovative entrepreneurs or engaged in renewable energy research.

Scholarship holders of the RLS

The scholarship program forms the backbone of RLS activities. Since 2007, almost 100 doctoral candidates have received scholarships from the foundation or are currently receiving funding. The scholarship holders have in common that they all work or have worked on topics in the field of renewable energy. Since 2020, the program will be continued in the form of an RLS graduate school.

Milestones of the RLS

Milestones of the RLS Reiner Lemoine in the context of the founding of the RLS in 2006

2006: The Reiner Lemoine Foundation was founded before the death of Reiner Lemoine with goals to promote science and research in the field of energy and to achieve 100% renewable energy.

2007: With the foundation, the scholarship program of the RLS was started. From 2007, the first eleven scholarship holders received funding for their doctorate.

2010: With the founding of the Reiner Lemoine Institute an independent research institution was to be created. Today, the RLI runs extensive activities in research and consultancy on energy and transport topics. It has become well-known and recognized across professional boundaries.

2018: In the tradition of its founder and namesake, the RLS considers entrepreneurial innovation an additional important contribution to the energy transition. The Foundation is therefore delighted with Localiser , the first energy transition spin-off from RLI projects.

2019: Some 12 years after it was established, the Reiner Lemoine Foundation has repositioned itself and its programmes and sharpened the content of its activities by focusing on topics related to the energy system transition.

2020: The scholarship programme is converted to a graduate school.

2021: The RLS celebrates its 15th anniversary.

Purpose of the Foundation

Purpose of the Foundation

The foundation's purpose is regulated by the Reiner Lemoine-Stiftung statutes:

The foundation's purpose is the funding of

a) science and research
b) education
c) development aid

in the area of renewable energies.

The foundation's purpose is particularly realized through

  • the granting of scholarships for doctoral candidates whose dissertations are related to renewable energies,
  • running contests and awarding prizes for renewable energy issues,
  • realization and assistance of educational projects in schools on the subject renewable energies and operating a web site about renewable energies,
  • research projects in the area of renewable energies and the realization of scientific events and presentations,
  • development aid projects for the improvement of energy supply in developing countries.