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Evaluation of the scholarship program of the RLS

Evaluation of the scholarship program of the RLS

Successful research funding for 100% renewable energies: Around 10 years after its founding, RLS commissioned an analysis of the impact of the scholarship program. In September 2018, the results of a survey by Prof. Peter Kayser from the Institute IKO were presented. For this purpose, evaluations of 70 scholarship recipients from the 2007 - 2015 funding years were evaluated.

Practical research promotes the energy transition and the funds for the scholarships are very effectively invested. More than fifty percent of the research was carried out at non-university institutes. These institutes usually carry out practical research.

Scholarships serve as a springboard into the energy world: Almost without exception, the former scholarship holders succeed in making a career in the context of renewable energies.

The scholarship promotes commitment to the energy transition: former scholarship holders become ambassadors for the energy transition. They pass on their experiences to the younger ones.

With the end of the scholarship or the doctorate, the scholarship recipients will remain very closely linked to the subject of 100% renewable energies both technically and socio-politically. They represent decisive and controversial positions on the energy transition and are also very active outside the field voluntarily.

A network is created: The scholarship holders show a very sustainable bond to the RLS. Almost all former scholarship holders can imagine advocating for the interests of the RLS.

Interested in an RLS scholarship? Here is further information