Each year 2100 PJ primary energy are used for room and hot water heating in the private in Germany. Alone the dominating energy sources gas (50 %) and oil (31 %) cause approximately a total emission of 108 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. Besides the affection of the nature, the increasing worldwide Verknappung of energy resources are a huge problem. The company Consolar solare Energiesysteme GmbH designs a highly innovative solar-heating application, in which special hybrid collectors are connected with a ice storage and a heat pump. The hybrid collectors are not just able to earn solar radiation (comparable to standard collectors) but also to suck enthalpy from the ambient air with a special heat exchanger.
The work on then promotion can be divided in three different subitems:
1. Mentoring of field test installations: Her shall be analyzed the function and the effectiveness of the system. Furthermore shall by analyzing the measurement data energy savings be quantified and optimization potential be shown.
2. Modelling and simulation: The complete system is to be simulated withe the simulation prgram TRNSYS. With parameter analyses optimization potential of the design of system components and the system control shall be found and implemented. Beyond comparison simulation withe the measurement data has to be done for the validation of the simulation model and the optimization of the operation of field test installations. The hydraulic characteristics of the system has to be modelled and simulated with the programm 20-sim.
3. Optimization of the system control: For the optimization of the control of the system shall be used modern techniques of control engineering. The flow temperature of the heating system shall be minimized with model predictive control (MPC). At this the disturbance variable are predicted and the control variable simulated for a (limited) time horizon. A effecitveness criterion, which evaluates the actuating variables and the deviance of the control variable of its setpoint, is minimized over the time horizon. This has the advantage that on the one hand the usage of final energy
The scientific mentoring is done by Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans Müller-Steinhagen (University of Stuttgart, Institut für Thermodynamik und Wärmetechnik short ITW). The realization of the project is done at the ITW in Stuttgart as well as at the Consolar GmbH.