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Sven Kluska

Sven Kluska


  • RLS-year 2009
  • Dissertation view

CV from Sven Kluska

Sven Kluska

Sven Kluska was born in Düsseldorf on 21st November, 1983.

He studied physics at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and passed with distinction in 2009. During his studies he specialized in semiconductor physics and laser physics. In 2008 he wrote his diploma thesis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) under the supervision of Prof. Eicke R. Weber. The aim of his thesis was the analysis of high efficiency back-contact back-junction (BC BJ) silicon solar cells fabricated with industrial feasible structuring techniques. Besides his studies he worked as student assistant at the Fraunhofer ISE and the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM).

Short description of the doctoral thesis:

The dissertation project with the title "Development of high efficiency silicon solar cells with laser chemical processing techniques" aims to simplify the fabrication process of high efficiency silicon solar cells by integrating laser chemical processing techniques. State-of-the-art high efficiency solar cell concepts (e.g. PERL or BC BJ solar cells) reach cell efficiencies up to 25% by reducing the occurring losses with locally structured passivation layers on the surfaces and local dopings under the metal contacts. The disadvantages of these high efficiency cell concepts are the required local structuring processes, which are cost-intensive and time consuming. Therefore, it is very difficult to integrate these concepts in mass production. Laser chemical processing (LCP) enables the fabrication of local structures and local dopings (p-type or n-type) in one processing step. Thus, the processing time and the number of processing steps can be reduced in contrast to "standard" high efficiency processing. The LCP-technique consists of a focused laser beam that is coupled into a liquid jet in which the laser beam is directed onto the sample by total reflection at the jet surface. The advantage of this system is the possibility to structure the sample and trigger chemical reactions of the molten silicon and the liquid to create local dopings in one processing step.


Development and characterization of laser chemical processes for high efficiency silicon solar cells

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