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Robert Mieth

Robert Mieth


  • RLS-year 2017
  • Dissertation view

CV from Robert Mieth

Robert Mieth

Robert Mieth is born in Dresden and studied Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering at the Berlin Institute of Technology.

Accompanying his studies, he worked as a student assistant with the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP) where he did research on electricity market modeling and grid development. Between the Bachelor and the Master program Robert completed a six-months research internship with the Swedish power company Vattenfall in Stockholm, Sweden. From 2015 until 2017 he worked as a product and software developer for smart-metering and balancing-power products with the Berlin-based green-tech company Solandeo.

After receiving his Master’s degrees in May 2017 Robert went to New York City for one year to work as a Visiting Scholar at NYU’s “Power Lab”. There, he is researching on the decentralization of the electricity system with Prof. Yury Dvorkin and started to work on his doctoral project on hybrid AC-DC-Networks. For his doctoral project he is advised by Prof. Jörg Raisch of the Control Systems Group at Berlin Institute of Technology. The project is embedded in the cluster “Control Concepts for Microgrids” of this group.

In his leisure time Robert plays timpani and percussion with the Lietzeorchester e.V. Berlin as well as various other orchestra projects. He also is a passionate climber and mountaineer. 

Short description of the doctoral thesis:

“Structure and Control of hybrid AC-DC-Microgrids”

The future electricity system, based on renewable energy sources, will differ from the system today by two main characteristics: Firstly, large central power plants will be replaced mostly by smaller and medium-sized generators distributed all over the grid. Secondly, the amount of equipment that is naturally based on direct-current (DC) technology will rise.

Concerning this transformation, so called Microgrids are a promising concept for an efficient integration of distributed generators as well as storage devices and electric vehicles. With the growing number of DC-sources and -sinks such as PV-plants, batteries and modern power-electronically controlled wind-power generators and other appliances, there is a growing interest and utility in DC grid structures.

The doctoral thesis examines the interaction of DC- and AC-grids based on the structure and control of hybrid AC-DC-Microgrids. One of the main goals, is the development of efficient dynamic models and control concepts, that provide general insights about the stability and optimal structure of the hybrid network. 



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