Ricardo Reibsch was born on 05.04.1985 in Eisenhüttenstadt.
Ricardo studied electrical engineering at the University of Technology in Berlin. Due to his increasing interest in climate change and the resulting desire to oppose the burning of fossil resources, during his studies he focused on renewable energy supplies. Ricardo wrote his diploma thesis about short-circuit strategies of grid-forming inverters at Younicos AG. After his studies, he dedicated himself to educational work in the field of renewable energies, planned and constructed photovoltaic systems and developed several courses in the field of photovoltaics at the University of Technology in Berlin as a research assistant, which he subsequently taught for several years. Ricardo is involved in the climate justice movement and is an active member of the association Solar Powers e.V. at the University of Technology in Berlin.
Ricardo Reibsch dedicated his doctoral research to exploring how decentralized battery storage systems can contribute to system stability in a future renewable and sector-coupled energy system. To investigate this, he conducted energy system modeling at the distribution grid level.
"The role of decentralized battery storage systems for the success of the energy system transition in low-voltage grids including electric mobility and electric heat generators".
A complete decarbonization of the energy supply within the next two decades is necessary to prevent worse consequences of the climate crisis. This can only be achieved if the current fossil energy supply is completely replaced by renewable energies. In Germany, the energy transition is increasingly stagnant and faces growing systemic challenges.
In order to initiate a decarbonization path not only in the electricity sector but also in the heat and transport sector, the heat and transport sector will be increasingly electrified in the future. This sector coupling will lead to an increase of heat pumps and electrical vehicles in electrical supply networks. In addition to these extra loads in the supply network, there will also be additional generation peaks due to increasing decentralized renewable energy generation. This creates major challenges for the future electrical infrastructure. One method to face these challenges is the use of battery storage systems in electrical supply networks. Up to now, these have mainly been used in combination with photovoltaic systems to optimize internal self-consumption. The PhD project therefore investigates the contribution decentralized battery storage systems can make in the future to meet the challenges posed by sector coupling and a high share of renewable energies in distribution networks.
Niederspannungsnetze im erneuerbaren und sektorengekoppelten Energiesystem
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