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Philipp Diesing

Philipp Diesing


  • RLS-year team 2021

CV from Philipp Diesing

Philipp Diesing

Philipp Diesing was born on 23.12.1995 in Magdeburg.

Philipp completed his master's degree at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in Sustainable Energy Systems. His interest in climate protection and sustainable development grew during his bachelor's degree and he completed internships at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig and the Thuringian Institute for Sustainability and Climate Protection in Jena. In the course of his master's degree, Philipp deepened his knowledge and skills during a year abroad at LUT University in Lappeenranta, Finland. There, he focused on energy system modeling for the UK and Ireland region and worked with the British NGO "100% Renewable UK". His master's thesis is on this very topic, the results of which will be published in a scientific journal.

Short description of the doctoral thesis:

Climate change and the associated threat to nature and society have entered the public debate. While there is a broad consensus on achieving climate neutrality in Germany, the techno-economic framework conditions for the transformation have not yet been fully explored. The transformation of the industrial sector poses a particular challenge, as many industrial processes cannot be directly electrified by renewable electricity at low cost. A particular challenge here is the chemical industry, whose process emissions require a transformation of processes and technologies.

Philipp's PhD project therefore focuses on the defossilization of the German industrial sector, specifically using the example of the Middle German Chemical Triangle - a center of the chemical and petroleum processing industries. By modeling different transformation scenarios, pathways to climate neutrality for this region will be investigated. In addition to the goal of a cost-effective transformation, one focus of the study will be on social factors of industrial transformation, such as the development of jobs and the acceptance of the local population.