completed training as a personal banker and then started to study Electrical Engineering at TU Berlin in parallel with her job at the bank. During her studies with electives in Electric Drives, Photovoltaics, and Electric Energy Systems she spent the academic year 2006/2007 at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm holding an Erasmus scholarship. At KTH, she worked on her study project "Practical Implementation of a Cycloconverter in a Soft-Switching Isolated AC/DC Converter" also published at the "Power Electronics Specialists Conference" in Rhodos, Greece, 2008. Her internship at the Research and Development department at ABB in Västerås, Sweden, was concerned with the grid-connection of large offshore-wind farms. After her stay abroad, Maren Kuschke worked as a student researcher at the chair of "Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy" at TU Berlin. There, she finished her Master's thesis titled "Modeling of a Grid-Connected Tidal Energy Conversion System in Matlab/Simulink". For her outstanding study performance Maren Kuschke received the VDI Award in 2009.
Short description of the doctoral thesis:
"Modeling and Control of Grid-Connected Tidal Energy Conversion Systems"
Considering the high potential of tidal energy conversion worldwide and the growing demand of electrical energy, this renewable energy source will be an attractive complement to wind and solar conversion in the future. Moreover, the need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases will be an additional driver for large developments in this area. This renewable energy source offers key advantages: firstly, the energy supply is reliable, and secondly, it is predictible due to the constantly repeating cycle of ebb and flood.
Presently, there is no significant commercial exploitation of tidal energy yet, but a few promising prototype technologies exist. What is missing, however, are system solutions showing how these components can be brought together. This includes the issue of grid connection; protection system and grid connection standards are to be developed. Furthermore, the tidal energy conversion system's behaviour during grid faults is of particular interest. Within the scope of the Ph.D. thesis the grid-connection of the tidal energy conversion system will be developed with special regard on system's optimal energy efficiency.
The Ph.D. thesis is supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Strunz at the chair of "Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy" at TU Berlin.