Johannes Kissel was born in Cologne on March 29, 1974.
In 2002 he graduated with an excellent diploma in geography, urban planning and energy management at the University of Cologne. While still a student, he acquired professional experience abroad studying at the Universidad de Extremadura (2000) in Spain and doing two internships in Bolivia (1997) and Mexico during a two-semester period. After university Johannes Kissel worked as a research assistant for EUROSOLAR, The European Association for Renewable Energy. This was followed by a two-year-long work and research stay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Alongside organizing the World Climate & Energy Events RIO 3 and RIO 5, he started to study the adjustment of launch programs for renewable energies to the general conditions of newly industrializing countries on the example of Brazil during a research semester at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). When Johannes Kissel returned to Germany in 2005, he worked once again as a research assistant for EUROSOLAR and became Steering Committee member of the International Renewable Energy Storage Conferences (IRES I+II). Since June 2006 he is in charge of the Gr¸ner Strom Label e.V. office.
Short description of the doctoral thesis:
"Adjustment of launch programs for renewable energies to the general conditions of newly industrializing countries on the example of Brazil"
In the 1990's various funding systems were developed and implemented in Europe in order to launch technologies for the use of renewable energies. These systems, which are based on feed-in tariffs and are also described as Feed-In-Laws, lead to a significantly higher input speed and technology development compared to other funding systems in the power sector. The adoption of a Feed-In-Law can also set off an investment boom in the renewable energy sector of newly industrializing countries after the adjustment to regional general conditions.
The dissertation analyzes how particularly macro-economic and structural general conditions have to be considered for the conception of the act in order to provide a successful implementation of the Feed-In-Law. The impacts of overburdening a funding program with political aims are illustrated on the example of the Brazilian Feed-In system PROINFA. The dissertation, which is supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanitsch (TU Berlin), develops precise modifications of the Brazilian funding system as well as general guidelines for renewable energies funding programs in newly industrializing countries. The dissertation can be used as a guideline for the adoption of funding programs by the governments of newly industrializing countries.
Adaptation von Stromeinspeisegesetzgebungen (Feed-In Laws) an die Rahmenbedingungen in Schwellenländern am Beispiel Brasiliens