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Arne Diedrich

Arne Diedrich


  • RLS-year 2009
  • Dissertation view

CV from Arne Diedrich

Arne Diedrich

Arne Diedrich was born on May 23rd, 1984 in Gifhorn.

He starts his studies of architecture at the Technical University of Braunschweig in 2004. With the start of his intensive studies in construction and engineering he is engaged as a student assistant at the Institute of Building Services and Energy Design under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Norbert Fisch. The main focus of his works are the implementations of measuring and evaluation of thermal comfort of comercial buildings and assistance on researches, including „GASS – Ganzheitliche Sanierung von Schulen", „TWIN SKIN – Doppelfassaden auf dem Prüfstand" and other projects to identificate and enhance the energy efficiency of residence-buildings and comercial-buildings.

Short description of the doctoral thesis:

"Methodology for efficiency control of the reconstruction of educational facilities

The main aim of this paper is to develop a methodology that provides an efficiency control of reconstruction measures in school buildings in regards to improving the indoor climate, energy consumption, the use of renewable energies, the cost, as well as the applied design methods and tools. Before the increased reconstruction of educational facilities and the increased demands of energy-saving regulations will be analyzed, the effective approaches of quality control and optimization of measures will be developed.

1.Initial Situation
Since the year 2009 the number of reconstructed schools in Germany has risen. Several effects have been achieved with the energetic reconstruction of schools. On the one hand, the energy consumption and CO2 emission is reduced, and on the other hand the learning environment is improved, as well as generating awareness on climate change among the students.
As a result of respective alterations of the Energy Conservation Act – EnEV, the energy efficiency requirements for buildings have become much stricter and more complex. There is a risk that integral thoughts are neglecting learning efficiency, comfort and ease, as well as the intelligent incorporation of renewable energies. In addition, numerous studies have shown that buildings with sophisticated energy concepts in practical operation often don't obtain the set targets. For this reason, there is a risk that the investments in existing buildings don't provide the expected positive effects for climate change and for the quality of schools.

2. Objectives
The objectives are to develop a method for monitoring the success of the reconstruction of school buildings as well as their application and validation in a field study on recent reconstructions. The methodology is based on scientific research, in particular the work created by the Department of Building and Solar Technology at the TU Braunschweig and the Technical University of Denmark. The field study has applied the method to examine the success in approximately 25 schools that have been reconstructed in the years 2008 - 2010. The survey assesses the cost of running samples, the achieved energy efficiency, with particular reference to the use of renewable energies, the quality of the indoor climate, the effectiveness of the measures applied and the design methods applied. Accordingly, statements have been developed about the multiplication ability of reconstruction designs, and to improve their technical and organizational implementation.

3. Working plan for a total processing time of three years (2010 to 2012)
Initially, relevant literature on quality standards and methods of analysis will be read, which serves as a basis for the development of research methodology. Subsequently, the methodology will be developed, which analyzes three states of the building. First, the structural condition and the energy consumption will be documented, if possible, more detailed aspects will be documented, such as maintenance costs, operating costs and occupant comfort. In the second step, the reconstruction measures will be documented, including the tools used and the predictions of the condition after the reconstruction. The third step will document the condition of the building after the renovation. There is a possibility that the analysis may fail due to the extensive time frame and intensive analysis of users' convenience (measurements, surveys). Finally, the three conditions of the buildings will be compared (a. condition before the reconstruction, b. predicted state after the reconstruction, c. actual condition after the reconstruction). Particular analysis and evaluation will be conducted on i. the degree of improvement that has been achieved through the reconstruction (comparison a - c) and ii. the effectiveness and accuracy of predicted tools (comparison b - c). This method will be applied and optimized in approximately 25 reconstructed schools. The results show the assessed and validated methodology for efficiency control, the significant analysis of reconstruction, and a catalogue of recommendations for the effective multiplication of reconstruction measure for school buildings.

Thematic areas

  • PV
  • Biomasse
  • Wärme / Kälte
  • Systeme
  • Experiment / Feldtest

Subject areas

Nachhaltiges und energieeffizientes Bauen Bauphysikplanung Energiebilanzierung Life Cycle Engineering


Energetische Sanierung von Bildungsstätten – Entwicklung von kostenoptimierten Sanierungsmaßnahmen


Energetische Sanierung von Bildungsstätten – Entwicklung von kostenoptimierten Sanierungsmaßnahmen

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