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The Reiner Lemoine Foundation

From Energiewende to Energy System Transition

The Reiner Lemoine Foundation

Renewable energies only! Driven by this vision, Reiner Lemoine consistently worked towards a breakthrough for the energy transition. He was convinced that both the environment and society would benefit from technological innovations in wind or solar energy.

The Reiner Lemoine Foundation (RLS) continues the life's work of its founder. To date, the RLS has supported science and applied research in the field of renewable energies with around 10 million euros of funding, as well as awarding almost 100 PhD scholarships. , The foundation has established a renowned research institute, the Reiner Lemoine Institute, and launched a graduate school dedicated to the energy system transition. In short, the RLS contributes to making the energy system fit for a further expansion of renewable energies.


Our mission:
a move towards a renewable energy system

Our mission:a move towards a renewable energy system

The RLS is committed to the goal of "renewable energies only". To achieve this, we need to have an energy system with suitable conditions. What is needed is a move towards a renewable energy system.

The conventional energy system of the past has long reached its limits. It is no longer adequate for an increasingly decentralised, digital and decarbonised world of energy. Consequently, emerging system conflicts must be overcome and a renewable energy system must be actively shaped.

The Reiner Lemoine Foundation is committed to advancing this energy system transition. With its projects, the RLS therefore supports applied research on related issues. It is also committed to disseminating scientific findings, for example, by supporting think tanks or publishing impulse papers.

